Works of art and writings by an expressional artist.

Welcome to this web site that displays works of art and writings by a truly committed artist.  All paintings, illustrations and writings are originals at which everyone of them has been created and written through emotional expression.

No painting, illustration and writing is the same, every one of them is unique at which there is a big story behind the artist.  Please do feel free to browse the artwork and writings at which if you are interested in any of them please do use the contact page.


There's no doubt he loves painting, drawing and writing.  Right from an early age he has followed the skill of his talented mind.  He loves to write with great depth from his emotional feeling that gives the reader great insight into the way he has viewed and struggled through life.

He has a heartbreaking past at which he has battled through life too with mental illness at which he found his emotional expression through art and writing.

His name is Mohammad Hassan Malek Mohammadi and he originally came from Iran, he travelled to far out countries but made his home in England.

His art as been in exhibitions and his writings have been published in a book for local communities.  He is going to make available his talent to a wider audience where he can excel and be at his best sitting behind a canvas, drawing with creativity and penning out with freedom.

Some Art Work

View the web site galley and discover art by Mo.  Every painting is unique and carries with it authenticity.  All work is original so you'll never find another piece the same.